T-Mobile Coverage In Hawaii From Experience (Oahu, Kauai, Maui)

Round Trip

Last Updated on November 17, 2022 by Rose Morah

Does t mobile have coverage in Hawaii?

If you are traveling to Hawaii for the first time but are not sure if T-mobile will be reliable, you find the below tips helpful.


We are going to discuss T-mobile coverage in different parts of Hawaii based on our experiences.

T-mobile coverage in Oahu, Hawaii

During our visit, we never had any issues with data speeds and reliability when using T-mobile in Oahu.

Additionally, depending on where you are at Oahu, you may experience average to fast data speeds.

If you are going to be touring around the city then you will get the best data speeds, especially if you have a 5G phone.

Places where we got great T-mobile coverage in Oahu, Hawaii:

  • Honolulu
  • Waikiki
  • Ewa districts
  • Ala Moana area
  • Windward Oahu

Places where we got poor coverage in Oahu include;

We experienced bad coverage in general, especially in some areas of Mokuleia (past the Aweoweo beach park), where the coverage went down to 3G.

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T-mobile coverage in Kauai, Hawaii

From experience, T-mobile coverage in Kauai was really not as good as Oahu’s, which had 5G coverage in most parts, but it was reliable.

T-mobile coverage in Maui, Hawaii

In Maui, we had no trouble with reception. That’s because the T-mobile coverage was good, and we even got 5G in some areas.

See also:

Does T-Mobile Work In Colombia?

List of 210+ Countries Covered by T-Mobile International Plan.

Final Word

We generally had a good experience with T-mobile during our visit to Hawaii.

Some areas had very fast data speeds and very few areas had problems with the coverage.

You can also go hiking in some parts of Hawaii and still get good coverage.

Safe travels!