Frankfurter Tamale Casserole, A New Dinner for Your Menu

You would be right if your first thought was, “What is Frankfurter Tamale Casserole? That sounds a little ridiculous.” Frankfurters are German, generally meaning a hotdog. A tamale is a Spanish dish made in masa, or a corn husk. Casserole’s are an American tradition that gained popularity in the 1950’s. So, what the heck kind of a dinner is this?

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The frankfurter is the closest thing in the title that matches the dish. We can blame my mom. She made up this dinner when I was little. Whenever mom threw together a dinner she would make up a name for it too. Who knows if that was to appease us kids, my dad, or maybe just her being creative. But, not only has this become a family favorite that spans multiple generations, every person we have ever made it for wants

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Vocation, for youth

VocationFor the third yr, membership in NRVC has increased with over 960 members representing 21 international locations and over 350 religious institutes, national organizations, and dioceses. Since 2014, there was a 21 enhance in membership. We are grateful for each NRVC member. Thank you for inviting new members to hitch and engage in NRVC!

Then convey near to you your brother Aaron, and his sons with him, from among the Israelites, to serve me as clergymen — Aaron and Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. Why does the church need prayers, poems, and hymns that remember vocation? Learn about To Bless Our Callings, a new book by Laura Kelly Fanucci. We have gifts that differ,1 in accordance with the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to religion; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in educating; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the chief, in diligence; the …

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