15 Signs He’s Crossing Over From Cute To Controlling
There’s no doubt everyone strives for sinking into romantic relationships since it’s nearly the primary goal of our existence. Mainly for that reason, people tend to try dating sites for over 60s and lower ages just to do everything possible to draw that long anticipated moment closer. Yet, once in the relationships, we may sometimes be too blinded to notice how the second half slowly turns from cute to controlling.
- Asking friends about your location
It’s normal when he cares about your safety but it’s controlling when he asks everyone where you are all the time.
- Making regular calls
It’s cute to receive a call or two from him but it’s too much to answer 10 calls per hour.
- Making remarks about the way you dress
You may appreciate him commenting your outfit but you surely won’t tolerate him criticizing your clothes and controlling what you wear.
- Being jealous of