3 Reasons a Vacation Cottage is Preferable to a Hotel

1c0891e537600d4f82f5935b21c3b8f9If you’ll soon be embarking on an extended-stay vacation, it’s important to know your options. Since most travelers are used to cramped, overpriced hotels, the thought of renting a vacation cottage never even occurs to them. However, contrary to popular belief, vacation cottages are not exclusively the domain of the super-wealthy. As such, if you’ll be staying in your destination for weeks instead of days, a cottage rental may prove to be in your best interest. These cozy cottages hold quite a few notable advantages over traditional hotels.

1. More Space

Unless you want to spring for a grand suite, you’re likely to find yourself in an uncomfortably cramped room when lodging at a traditional hotel. The more people you’re traveling with, the more apparent this lack of space is going to be. This is particularly true in the case of families. On the flip side, a roomy vacation cottage …

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How To Prepare For A Business Trip (Best Tips)

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by Rose Morah

When going on a business trip, proper planning and preparation can help save you time and money and ensure that you enjoy your trip.

In this article, we have listed some essential tips for preparing for a business trip.


Related: Hotel Safety Tips For Business Travelers.

Tips for preparing for a business trip

1. Pack as light as possible

The most common mistake that most people make is overpacking. I highly recommend packing to a minimum.

For example, when going on a long business trip, let’s say a 5-days trip, you don’t need to pack clothes for all those days. Instead, you could carry very little business attire and do regular laundry at your travel destination.

In other words, you don’t need to carry 20 pants for a 5 day-trip!

2. Try to fit all your things in one carry-on

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