Labor Day And Christian Vocation (2)
How do we all know if God is asking us? How do we know what our vocation is? How can we listen to God? Many individuals are confused about their vocation.
The Latin phrase vox, meaning voice,” and the associated word vocāre, that means to name”, give us the basis voc or vok. Words from the Latin vox or vocāre have something to do with the voice or with calling. Anything vocal is produced by the voice. A vocation is the work that someone is known as to do as a job. To evoke is to name forth. To invoke is to name on for aid or protection. To provoke is to call forth another’s anger. The word voice additionally has vox as its root.
Discipline , as far as it exists, just isn’t of the humanistic or the spiritual sort, but of the kind that one gets in training …
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