How To Travel With Frozen Food On A Plane (Best Tips)

Last Updated on September 12, 2022 by Rose Morah

It is possible to travel with frozen food on a plane. But it also depends on the type of food you are carrying and where you are going.

Personally, I have traveled domestically with frozen food many times and internationally on a trip coming from South America to the US.


I have also seen many people travel with frozen things with no issues as long as they are well packed.

If you doubt everything will go smoothly at the airport, I’d recommend contacting the airline to confirm.
You will not have problems with TSA if you follow their guidelines.

Tips for traveling with frozen food on a plane

1. Freeze the food well in advance

Freezing the food in advance ensures that it lasts longer while still frozen.

You will notice a big difference when traveling with food that

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Frankfurter Tamale Casserole, A New Dinner for Your Menu

You would be right if your first thought was, “What is Frankfurter Tamale Casserole? That sounds a little ridiculous.” Frankfurters are German, generally meaning a hotdog. A tamale is a Spanish dish made in masa, or a corn husk. Casserole’s are an American tradition that gained popularity in the 1950’s. So, what the heck kind of a dinner is this?

Rent Your RV Out or Find One To Rent!

Rent Your RV Out or Find One To Rent!

The frankfurter is the closest thing in the title that matches the dish. We can blame my mom. She made up this dinner when I was little. Whenever mom threw together a dinner she would make up a name for it too. Who knows if that was to appease us kids, my dad, or maybe just her being creative. But, not only has this become a family favorite that spans multiple generations, every person we have ever made it for wants

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Got To Be A Farmer, An RV Life Opportunity

Since moving into the RV and going Full-time, we have gotten to meet some of the most incredible people. It has also given us the chance to have some awesome experiences too. The latest of these; I had the opportunity to be a farmer for a day. Ok. Maybe it wasn’t a whole day. But it was for a few hours, and it was one of the most fascinating things I think I’ve ever done!

I’m aware that I’m from the “Garden State,” but that doesn’t mean that I grew up on a farm. I’ve visited plenty of them over the years. In fact, our son and I used to pick our own fresh vegetables every week. But I’ve never had the ability to actually work on a farm, let alone go for a ride on a Combine during harvest!

So how did this chance encounter happen? And what was

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T-Mobile Coverage In Egypt (From Experience)

Last Updated on December 7, 2022 by Rose Morah

If you are wondering how T-Mobile is in Egypt, we are going to share our experiences with T-Mobile during our last visit to Egypt in August this year.

Nb: We purchased the International pass for this trip.


Is the T-Mobile International Pass worth it in Egypt?

Yes. T-Mobile worked well in some locations but roaming didn’t work at all in some.

Generally, most of the time roaming didn’t work as it had in all the countries that we had visited before and after our Egypt trip.

For instance, in Jordan and Israel, we never had any issues with T-Mobile coverage.

Some of the places where T-Mobile worked well in Egypt included:

  • On the Nile river.
  • Near Dahab and some other remote areas.

We experienced terrible service in Cairo. However, calls worked well compared to data.

Check out T-Mobile coverage in

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When Does It Make Sense To Fly VS Drive? (Questions To Help You Decide)

Last Updated on October 13, 2022 by Rose Morah

Traveling exposes you to a whole new world and lets you explore different places and destinations around the world.

However, depending on your travel goals, choosing whether to fly or drive to a destination can sometimes be challenging.

In this article, we help you figure out whether to fly or drive.

Questions to help you decide whether to fly or drive

1. How much will it cost you to drive vs fly?

Most of the time, the decision of whether to fly or drive usually depends on the cost difference between the two.

This means you will need to calculate and compare the road trip and flying costs, including other expenses that may add to the total money spent.

From my experiences, I have crunched the numbers so many times and at times when I drive to my destination, I normally

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